Tennis Courts and Pool Fobs

This year we have 2 big projects happening. A new pool fob system was installed on the new pool gate. If you haven't heard already, your old blue fobs no longer work. We have new red fobs. If you are new to the community, please make sure to check with Main Street Management to learn how you can get your fobs. The new fobs will also be a part of the upcoming tennis court renovations. This is very exciting news! New tennis courts and new access!

The tennis courts are currently locked down as they are being prepped for reconstruction. So have asked why the work isn't being done "off season". The truth is NC doesn't really have an off season for tennis and the playing surface had become  was a unsafe playing surface and cannot be played upon until renovations are complete. Once complete you will have a beautiful new court to use and your pool fobs will give you access so no additional keys are needed!

Thank you for your patience with the latest and upcoming changes. All of this is being done to provide you better amenities.