CMS - Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools

Charmeck Services 

311 (for city assistance of all kinds)

Animal Control

Block Party License

Blockage in city drain

Bulky Pickup - Schedule a pickup

City of Charlotte Ordinances

CMPD Crime Reports

Code Enforcement

Common nusiance violations

Garbage Collection (schedule, large item pickup, problem with service)

Huntersville (Because WWN straddles both Charlotte and Huntersville it’s good to know what is happening in Huntersville)

Neighborhoods - High weeds, grass & junk in yards

Noise Ordinance

Pot Hole Repair

Recycle Centers


Sidewalk Repair

Streetlight repair

Storm drain or stream blocked

Main Street Management

Local Business

Puptown Charlotte - Local boarding, daycare and grooming for your fur babies

Lancaster's BBQ - Local restaurant and bar

Tony's Pizza - Local location in the shopping area with Food Lion and 7-11

Fu Shing - Chinese

Mandarin - Chinese